Dorian Mode

The Dissolve that other site allows downvotes? I don't know if that's going to turn out well.

We've been close personal friends for a while, but I'm going to make an effort to post more ASCII penises on your timeline.

It's Astronomy class. Why are you worried about being overly geeky?

@avclub-85203e4e4d15ce9e3bd8da75ef21112a:disqus I like how that youtube video is clearly a screen capture of another youtube video.

Letterboxd has some pornos on it. I rated Sexy Timetrip Ninjas and Groper Train: Wedding Capriccio last night.

See above.

"Here" being physically here being Honolulu, in this case. I can see where the confusion came from, though.

Holy shit I am so excited for this movie, and yet nobody around here wants to see it. Heathens.

Was Sunrise the prequel to Daylight?


*The Dissolve

Yeah, that's kind of what I've been doing. On a related note, I'm surprised to hear that you didn't really like Zero Dark Thirty. For me, films that I respect more than I like are usually the ones that I find a bit unapproachable, but I thought ZDT was completely gripping and accessible.

Wouldn't it be a bumblebrag if he bounced?

So I made a Letterboxd account. What do I do with it? Is it weird that I gave No Country for Old Men and Fast & Furious 6 the same star rating?

If I make an account for The Dissolve, do I get two Christmases?

This reminds me that I need to rebuild my giant Lego ship.

The main thing I know about Kristen Schaal is that she's a horse.

I'm not sure that Life of Brian really demands to be seen in 1080p, but I still think the blu-ray was a pretty good purchase.

I'm kind of disappointed to see that I've only watched 12.5% of them. That said, someone remind me to listen to the Fast and Furious 6 one tomorrow.