Dorian Mode

More like Space SHAM, amirite?

Ray-Bans are timeless, Quirky.

She was older than the girl in the gif, right?

That was the end of the antenna he really should have watched out for.

You really, really need to watch Kicking and Screaming. While my reception of it was probably affected by the fact that I first watched it at the perfect time in my life (the summer after my college graduation when I was excited but apprehensive about grad school and the future), it's my favorite of the three Baumbach

For reference, I feel it's important you tell us your grades for Kicking and Screaming, The Squid and the Whale, and Wes Anderson's entire oeuvre.

@avclub-7d58cc22d9ed7d85decaa81e6cedee22:disqus To be fair, the Celsius system is based on sensible reference points (the freezing and boiling points of water), rather than ridiculous ones (the freezing point of brine and something fairly close to normal human body temperature).

I've heard nothing but good things about Perdido Street Station. I'm hoping I can grab a paperback copy from the library to read while I'm traveling for a conference later this month.

I've never heard of a Snickers Cone, but since I come from an area where all soft drinks are called "Coke", I support the term's use in this circumstance.

This argument makes very little sense to me. For the most part, blogs and novels occupy entirely different spaces in our culture. Blogs are generally nonfiction musings on real-world events, while novels are pure storytelling. If anything, internet commentary is replacing newspapers and magazines.

So far, probably The City and The City, by China Miéville, which grounds a heavily metaphorical world-building exercise in the police procedural genre. For me, it was one of those wonderful reading experiences where I knew basically nothing about the book beforehand, so I had the joy of discovering the rules and

I refuse to acknowledge your heat because you've written it in a non-American system of units.

But then what am I supposed to read while I'm bored at work?

I already knew Pacific Rim was going to be amazing, but now that it has the Kanye seal of approval, it may just be my most-anticipated movie of the year.

The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza.

Really? Dumbo? I've never liked that movie.

Well, what with the upcoming government-mandated gay marriages for everyone, I know I'd prefer to be a woman.

What if you had a girl who looked good? Would you call her?

I'll watch, but I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule.