Dorian Mode

So more Valhalla Rising, then?

I'll support this. I really disliked the first movie, and I feel like I'm the only one.

What did they give Fast and Furious 6? I ask because that movie was amazing.

He stinks!

Kind of a toss-up between 4Minute and 2NE1.

I've seen a gay man in a Hawaiian shirt, but that may be more due to the fact I live in Hawaii.

So it seems that this is only my third comment on this review. I'm sorry everyone; I've let you all down by shirking my duty as a Communist. With that said, I suppose I should continue things right where I left off: who wants to talk about k-pop?

I'd buy that for a dollar!


She's also a crazy robot from the future, or something. I haven't really paid much attention to her overarching mythology, but she makes great music.

Your article is terrible!

You've got to Keep Your Eyes Peeled for people switching albums in the middle of a pun thread.

[Obligatory Dazed and Confused reference]

I'm currently about 1/4 of the way through Kraken by China Miéville. I picked up The City and The City on a whim last month, since I had been hearing good things about Miéville for quite a while. I really enjoyed that one, and I followed it up with Embassytown. So far Kraken is bringing a lot more of the weirdness I

@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus It's the logo of Rice University. I recently bought an identical flag to put up in my apartment, assuming the girlfriend will let me.

This plane doesn't even have a phalange!


Yeah, I've been saying "Spah-nack-o-PEET-ah", but to be fair the only person I've ever talked to about it is an Asian girl from San Diego.

Oh, ElDan. You're a terrible AVC commenter for lots of reasons.