Dorian Mode

Anything on there about Valhalla Rising? That's the only think I've seen him in apart from Casino Royale.

Yeah, but you're a poop-face.

Friday: Finally got around to watching Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy on HBO Go. Definitely a well-made and well-acted movie, though I'm not sure if it's one I see myself watching again any time soon.

I didn't really like The Loneliest Planet that much, but I would have been kind of annoyed with you had I seen this post before watching the movie.


My roommate and I just did a double feature of The Killer and Hard Boiled. It was amazing, in case you were wondering.

The Weird Al Show.

Hey, somebody else who didn't absolutely love The Avengers! We should start a club.

Janine your voice is hilarious.

Are you and Janine close personal friends?

Shut up, roobles.

I really need to rewatch IV. Saving the whales is easily my favorite Star Trek plotline ever.

Critics do pretty well by us pretentious douchebags, though.

Capitalism. The main villain is capitalism.

You forget that many, many people are idiots.

@avclub-950d8a346f93dfaa88fa9e1ea7c7b1aa:disqus I really thought you were going with "1/4 Sized Roasted Chicken with Black Pepper Sauce," but seeing as you're not, I call dibs.

I should probably stop Googling these song titles at work. Somebody in the IT department is going to put me on a list.

Are you actively trying to get your AV Club membership revoked?

I'm more interested to see what a Shane Carruth written/directed Iron Man would be.

@boxofcottonswabs:disqus You're Goldbluming.