Dorian Mode

Did they really use a cover of "All Along the Watchtower" in a trailer for a movie featuring Edward James Olmos? I'm onto you, Hollywood.

@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus Seamless Bradbury reference. Well done.

Did you see Community last week? It was pretty awesome.

The Thick of It is available on Hulu, though, which makes it easy for US viewers to watch.

Wikipedia tells me it was significantly weakened by rebellions before collapse.

Yeah, but it was pretty much all downhill after the Tang Dynasty.

I'm not noticing that I lost anything. I guess I win.

It's like two grain silos fucked in here.

How are you with classic Simpsons episodes?

That's genius.

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

Are we to believe that these are some sort of magic glasses or something?

Here in Hawaii, we get people sneaking poke into the theater. As much as I love the stuff, the smell of raw tuna and sesame is super distracting when I'm trying to lose myself in a movie.

You should consider it a compliment. Nobody but my girlfriend cares about my emotional breakdowns.

I belieeeeeeve in youuuuuuu.

Let's all just go watch Hellboy.

Strangely enough, that's the only Lurhmann film I've seen. Pleasant enough, but it doesn't exactly get me excited for Gatsby.

RATT GUNS is definitely my favorite hair metal band.

@avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus CommunityChannel! The only worthwhile vlogger, based on my out-of-date Videocracy information.

Screw this; just bring me back Videocracy!