Dorian Mode

Aw, now I'm sad, and still have no Videocracy.

Because age gaps that were once critical become less of an issue as you grow older, and I don't like to think about the fact that I'm aging.

In the comments for the premiere, a few people suggested the Penguin Classics collection of The Sagas of Icelanders, so I picked it up. While I'm only in the introduction so far, I'm pleased with the historical background it's giving. It should be noted, though, that it's focused on the era after the permanent

Lagertha/Ragnar: OTP

Yeah, I've had a good time with the show so far. Unfortunately I don't have cable, so I have to miss out on day-of discussion, but I'm glad History's been putting it up on Hulu.

@avclub-1677334a506596049c24409269ec3def:disqus Christoph Waltz would be so excited.

The music is great. I'm still rocking out to Wardruna, as recommended on this site last week.

Shit, Dakota Fanning is 19? How old am I?

The internet tells me the actress is the same age as a girl I dated a few years ago, which makes me feel weird.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I have this mp3 in my Itunes library.

Sorry, but I must ask this: Are you the mayor of Tiny Towne?

I support any movie featuring Stringer Bell and GLaDOS. Truly a pairing for the ages.

Does this mean attendees will have to spend the show buying $20 drinks that they don't get to consume?

No way. I've read books, too!

I don't know, "Lovely Bones" comes across as a pretty phallic name to me.

@avclub-2a5866203b479586ecc9183837a2d3e0:disqus You may want to see someone about that.

Oh wow somehow I missed the cotton joke the first time around. And now I'm in the middle of watching Django Unchained which kind of heightens it in retrospect.

Mecha-shiva! Mecha-shiva!