I don't really have anything of substance to add, but I figure by posting here I can encourage the AV Club to acknowledge this show's existence more publicly. Here's hoping episode five goes up on Hulu tomorrow.
I don't really have anything of substance to add, but I figure by posting here I can encourage the AV Club to acknowledge this show's existence more publicly. Here's hoping episode five goes up on Hulu tomorrow.
I keep thinking of Charlie from Lost, but that's mostly due to the guyliner.
"The Saxon's body has ways to shut that whole thing down."
Yeah, I'm becoming a pretty big fan. Do we know if they'll be putting episode five up early like they've done for the others?
Yes. We need more Rome up in this website.
Don't be fatuous, @Cutlass12:disqus.
At this point I'd rather have a fake phone that my presumably real Samsung which dies after three hours.
@paraclete_pizza:disqus My housecat is actually a baby jaguar, thank you very much.
I guess this is why I'm a physicist and not a farmer.
Yes, I refuse to click that link while at work.
Doesn't the term "pony" in and of itself imply that the character is underage?
Nope. Fuck the SEC and everyone who talks about it constantly throughout college football season.
Yep. Waves and waves of nostalgia for home hitting me right here. It doesn't help that a large number of my friends from undergrad are getting together for our alma mater's huge annual event this weekend but I'm stuck because I can't afford a plane ticket.
The only people worse than the idiot rednecks who try to ruin Texas for the rest of us are the idiot elitists who immediately write off Texans due to the few aforementioned rednecks.
Having grown up in College Station, I've long avoided his music for exactly the reasons you mention. I may have to rectify that.
My thoughts exactly.
I love the idea of people who waste all their time posting on the AV Club giving GRRM advice on how to stop procrastinating.
Jesus nerds are the worst.
Yes, but we all remember what happened to Robert Jordan.
Yep, this is a major reason why I often still buy CDs. Also, I like importing the songs to my computer in a lossless file format.