
Terry is one of the Donovan brothers, and Bridget is the dead sister. I believe Bernadette really is someone Terry had a relationship at some point.

But would Virgil have been able to deliver the razor blade? He wasn't involved in that operation at all, right? So then you need a second mole anyway, unless that one really was just Brody.

Yes. Whereas "Unforgiven," for example, was much more realistic in its language. My modern ears glossed over it at the time, but I've come to realize that lines like the Kid saying to Munny "I told you I'm a damn killer" were a harsher attempt to talk tough than we would think today.

Yeah, I think the credit sequence is a real problem here. Given that it presents all of the presidents of Carrie's conscious life, including the actual current one, it makes it very difficult to accept the setup with the VP. Frankly, I think it's just sloppiness—they wanted a cool credit sequence and they wanted a

Yeah, I think Real Louie has a nice apartment on the Upper West Side, nicer than Show Louie's apartment, not nearly as nice as Lenny Bruce's former pad. And while Real Louie doubtless has more than $7,000 in the bank, he doesn't have nearly enough to afford a $17 million house.

Ugh—I meant Men, of course, not Man.

The "Two and a Half Man" speculation has been decisively shot down—there hasn't been an offer, and even if there were, Lowe has a three-year contract as a full-time regular on "Parks" that they wouldn't let him out of. Nor does he want out of it. Alan Sepinwall compared the "Men" chatter to a game of telephone—seems

Cheapskates, I mean. And I haven't even been at the stuff yet!

My recommendation as a good default Scotch is Johnnie Walker Black—I have to respectfully disagree with Three time loser. My standard predinner order is a Johnnie Walker Black on the rocks. TTL is right about Red, though—nasty stuff. And that whole echelon of Scotch I find pretty much useless, although if I'm at a

Actually, there was one thing I found "not Chicago," though not quite egregiously. In the background during the confrontation between Mrs. Florrick the Elder and Pastor Isaiah, there was a "S LaSalle St" sign that was in the style of New York historic-district street signs, brick-red with cream lettering and a

You definitely have to catch up with "Deadwood," Keith.

I'm pretty sure the mother is alive and well. In one of the episodes where the actors were playing their future selves, it ended with them getting high and dissolving into laughter, and the last line was Ted saying, "Where is my wife?" So you were meant to think she was around that weekend (I believe it was a college