tom r

Well, gender and species switched, but yeah.

Building on that, the show has pretty well established that;
A. Linda is crazy. Not Gayle-level crazy, but still crazy.
B. She has unresolved issues from her high school years that still lie close to the surface. If those issues are brought into play She becomes obsessive about them.

It follows the pattern of Trickster mythology. The Trickster (frequently a god or demigod, sometimes an enterprising mortal, sometimes an animal or animal spirit like Coyote or Rabbit) enters a situation in order to exploit it for personal gain. In spite of the fact that Trickster's actions stem from purely selfish

To be fair, Linda's treatment of Tina was a bit shabby. Didn't even follow through on that offer of a bag of frozen peas. That was cartoonishly thoughtless but it doesn't rise to the level of cruelty.

I loved how Todd's read of that line had just a hint of W. C. Fields in it.

They're selling MLP character patterned men's sleep pants at Target. I take that as a sign that there's a wider public awareness of the brony phenomenon than one might first suspect.

Well played.

I've always suspected that Fozzie Bear was one of the inspirations behind Teddy. There's even a bit of a physical resemblance.

That's been her standard party dress since "Two For Tina" back in season 3. Nice bit of continuity to see it hanging in her closet.

That's a potent software cocktail. Appropriate.

An episode with that much action is going to eat up a disproportionate amount of the season's budget compared to an episode dominated by characters having conversations with each other. A big action episode requires more designs, backgrounds and character poses. It's going to push whichever computer assisted

Oh, ye of little faith In Kevin Kline. Patience is a virtue that will be rewarded.

That's our Trev.

Nope. That was 'Tuscadero.'

Morty is actually 14. One of the montage promos that Adult Swim cut together misidentified him as a 12 year old in it's voice over, possibly because of that line in "Anatomy Park." Officially, though, he's 14.

Peter Pescadero.

Well, that and the remote control helicopter he 'accidentally' super-glued to his wiener.

Satisfaction? To my ears that sounded like revulsion and immediate regret.