
I had no idea Randy was played by a young Seth Green until today.

I had no idea Randy was played by a young Seth Green until today.

OK again I don't understand Eliot being described as a "self-loathing homosexual".  Elliot is a cocky bastard alcoholic homosexual.   Did anyone on the AV club staff actually read the book??  Quentin Coldwater, the lead protagonist, is a self hater.

I am so glad I am not the only person that did not completely hate Speed Racer and actually found it quite good.  Watched it on a flight from Chicago to La and it made me feel like a little kid again.  The candy coated color palette just makes me happy, kind of remiscent of the film Dick Tracy but with lots of shiny

I don't think there ever was a Skeeter in any of the live action muppet movies/tv shows.  I'm pretty sure she was a character created solely for the muppet babies cartoon series to increase the girl boy ratio.  I really don't understand why Janice or the rest of electric mayhem besides rowlf couldn't be muppet babies

I stated before sometimes UM would do a tear jerking famly seperation and or reunion episode.  So I guess it qualifies as a scary TV show with an occasional sad or happy story segment. 

Unsolved Mysteries was so damaging to my childhood psyche.  Every episode featured something deeply unsettling that would haunt me for days on end and being essentially a latch key kid didn't help matters much.  The shows basic thesis is that at any time during the day and night creepy random shit can happen to you

I never got over that whole super bowl wardrobe malfunction incident.  His career recovers nicely while Janet Jackson is exciled from MTV!

This sucks I've definitely lost some respect for this dude now.  I mean I can still enjoy the music but I thought he was smart enough not to be taken in by the Mormon brand of bullshit.  Sad really.

In Gaga's defense her music has some killer hooks and is relevant.  She also cut her teeth in the Manhattan club scene, plays the piano and has presence on stage.

I agree that her swooning over Tom Cruise seemed to be calculated for her to be better able to relate to a daytime audience however gay people are not bound to the same rigid gender roles that straight people are.  In other words gays can appreciate beauty in the opposite sex without feeling fear or shame.  As a gay

I do not think Brakebills or its student body would have made such a big deal about Elliot being gay.

The gay character Elliott was not self loathing he just happened to be a lush.  I don't know what book Sean was reading.  I just hope the producers do not turn Elliot into the Kurt Hummel of this series.  Being gay myself I'm all for gays on TV but do they have to be so stereotypical? 

I don't know where Sean gets his facts from but the gay character Elliot was not self hating and had no gay issues.  To the contrary he was confident in his abilities and with who he was.  Quentin Coldwater, the protagonist, was an angsty self hater. Sorry if openly gay characters in fantasy fiction upset you Craig.