Yeah everyone mentions other dumb moves in Survivor history, but to me Colby made possibly the dumbest by bringing Tina to the FTC. And she won, which showed that she played a strong social game that season.
Yeah everyone mentions other dumb moves in Survivor history, but to me Colby made possibly the dumbest by bringing Tina to the FTC. And she won, which showed that she played a strong social game that season.
It's the kind of thing I would have found hilarious when I was 13 and first watching Survivor. Like @avclub-e1bd3c7b2884187cdb13faabfa282fcb:disqus says, it missed the opportunity to be something worthy of actually paying for.
Still, it is my only Survivor related merchandise, so I gotta keep it for now.
Did the show only bring him back on for that belly-flop moment, and so Jeff would get someone to bag-out during the challenge? I wouldn't be surprised.
The current season of the Australian one is about as good as the show may get…which is at times really good and at times plain old dull. The trick for the show is to actually cast people who want to win, and think about how to win a lot, which has happened this year.
Yep. Every word Brad said made me feel stupider and stupider about picking him. If people in your alliance are mocking you and thinking you are over the top, you have problems.
I missed his season, but even in one episode I can already feel myself aggravated by his presence. Carrie was right, this felt like the show giving him a chance to clear his name, which is not interesting Survivor.
And of course he was a prick to Kat, which made me happy when she snapped back at him.
Yeah I think Rupert's wife going onto the 'returner's' team was a nice little moment for the show, and it can only complicate peoples game plans if a tribe swap happens. Which would be enjoyable.
Can we just erase whatever I had picked for pick-4?
I'd like to go with:
@JudgeReinhold:disqus yeah I assume it would. If I remember right, I'll still be getting the show aired like 6 or so hours after you guys (my 7:30pm).
so have finished this. Really enjoyed the insights guys, nice stuff. Although I'm mildly ok with my draft picks, I'm now reconsidering my pick-4's (may have to change them actually), cause wow did I also forget how much I am not a fan of Candice.
And yes I heard it, if timezoneily possible, I'd gladly join, but if not…
starting listening to now!
I don't know if I'd ever get the pleasure of joining because of the fun/harsh life of timezone differences, but I'll be looking out for it anyway :)
If there is one thing I'm excited about my picks for, it's that they are pretty much my opposites. Definitely a flip of the coin, but still I have hope.
Not knowing who 90% of these people are is making this a bit of a blind guess (beyond reading the bio's on cbs's website. So, for no real reason, I will pick Kat.
I shall go with Brad. Sorry for the late reply everyone, I shall endeavour to be quicker next time !
Sorry! Cheese it !
Yeah in high school I was hugely dismissive of the style, but I still gave it a chance after a while.
'Burn, Piano Island Burn' is a monster of an album. So yeah, Blood Brothers are good stuff.
Yeah and since I'm obviously a big Survivor fan, you notice the similarities and differences in how to 'play the game' in both shows. Like you can try to force arguments amongst people by spreading rumours, so they might be nominated.
At first it interested me this year because they seemed to pick people who openly talked about it as a game, rather than some BS 'life changing experience.' And for that it was if people had figured out the Big Brother watching public and were now manipulating the game in a reasonably interesting way.