
Yeah I like this episode, but it is the one episode I want to get through the quickest because we are about to hit the peak of the series.
I also love Totem Mole, but we'll save that for that review.

It's one of those films where nothing feels contrived, and every emotion feels earned and believable for the characters. That plus the performances really do add up to a classic film.

Yeah it's her maybe second guessing what just happened, and/or realising that Zach has something that may almost certainly pull him away from her (his intense love of fame).

Yep 'Pretty, Pretty Dresses' is the episode that made me go from a casual watcher to a lover of the show. An absolute classic.

'You Can Count on Me' is one of my absolute favourite films, and that last scene is about as affecting and memorable as film gets for me.

I just didn't see that. Their celebratory/romantic moment in the dressing room afterwards proved beyond a doubt how sincere Zach was (and his performance on the news show was very sincere already).

And if the whole world of 'What's on Tonight' revolved around me the answer would be the fact I kind of want to watch both but will probably never get around to it. Which would be a boring-ass way to frame an article, but whatever.

The finale of Zach Stone is Gonna be Famous was brilliant. Actually the last 4 episodes were probably the best the show ever did (well there were a few other classics). It ends on a hugely emotional and romantic moment, so in some ways gives closure to the now cancelled show. But the ending also gives us a hint at

My attempt to burn through the last 3 episodes of Zach Stone seems to have been stopped short by work, but I did watch episode 10. Which should have the title "robothouse's life" cause holy crap pretty much the same thing happened to me very recently (without the acting part).

I'm excited !

Zach Stone is getting burnt off? :(
I thought the latest episode was possibly the funniest thus far. Greg has really come into his own as a character, as has Amy, and trapping those 2 with Zach and the scheming Andy in a 'haunted house' was great. Every cut to Amy's 'scared face' as they tried to scare Andy was

I like how half the responses here are about laughing at the line, and the other half view it as a straight up moment of sincerity. Which is why I loved it so much.

There were actually some moving and interesting episodes of Catfish in the first season. Sometimes it was a bit too predicatable, but there were times when the show explored some rarely-seen-on-tv relationships (gay, lesbian, transexual), or the loneliness that quite a few of the people on the show were feeling (one

Which kinda guarantees us a Don/Sally focused episode and storyline next season which can only mean great things.

It was so good, because it had the perfect mix between all of that, which is how I've viewed Pete over the years.

It is a total dick move. He is tortured by it, and clearly has genuine feelings for Peggy, but I mean come on dude this is Peggy Olsen she deserves far better than an old 'F##k and Run (several thousand miles away)'

Art from 'Orphan Black': "I like art."

Yeah Bert easily felt the most powerful in that group. I saw him and in an instant knew that Don was screwed.

She seemed to be deep in thought/confused, still feeling that aching distance from him, but also gaining an understanding of him that might bring back her love for him. That's what I got from it.

So many great, as Todd says, cathartic emotional moments. A small moment that felt particularly powerful was Pete's line about his mother's death, "She loved the sea."
The context it was said in makes it seem like it should be heartless, but the delivery of the line was simple and heartbreaking.