Spaceman Stiff

Love this band, love this decision by them to put their money where their mouth is. Also, now I'm going to have an excuse to buy a bunch of their merch; guys, I'm basically being a saint.

I saw this guy in Minny about a year ago, he was hilarious. Highly recommend. Don't feel the same hate towards the song because, hey, long as we are putting music out there about people not being huge assholes, it ain't all that bad.

American Dad is so great it is making my musical taste better.

Oh no RedScarab, oh no. This will haunt you for the remainder of your days.

Oh, have a couple. Little sister was in vegetarian phase, convinced her chicken we has for dinner was tofu. Also, at one point, my two older sisters and I convinced her that if she was bad my parents would lock her in the basement like they did with the "bad sister." Had sister get dressed up and all pale in the

Basically no reason. One or two could be coincidental, but everybody? Does not bode well.

WUT. WUT…. WUT? I can't believe this.

If TVDW left, I would leave. "Oh Captain my captain!"

I'm a long time poster who lurks mostly, and this is all very, very concerning. I've been reading the AV Club for forever, and losing all of these top-notch writers and editors makes me believe that it may be changing for good from what it has always been — a well-written and thoughtful website with a surprisingly

Like a really boring minority report.

On a certain level, don't we all have the butt plug in?

Unfortunately, I agree. I think the media presents it as if it was action movie, and people can't help but identify to it on that level. It is somewhat creepy, but I think its human nature at certain point.

Bobby Moynihan is… Time barrister. He sues on behalf of people from the past!

I preferred this to last weeks, although that was quite good as well. I'm with you, although I will always have a very soft spot in my heart for dinosaurs in space. Triceratops are the best!

I agree. I also like that she isn't the run-of-the-mill companion, in that she actually seems human (scared, not taking insane risks, enjoying the adventure but aware of her own mortality) in a way that most previous companions haven't.

Now I just want to watch "The Doctor's Wife" again.

Hm, I can't help but still have a very soft spot in my heart for David Tennant. The episode where his is on the travel liner that gets attacked by some sort of crystal being that takes over people shows his range. Can't remember the episode name, but it is one of my favorites.

Stinky pinky!

Hey, we've all gone through that phase.

Kevin Bacon ate so many jelly beans.