Hairy Cruise

"AAAAAmish, whatchoo wanna do?
I think I could stay with you
For a while maybe longer
Cuz I've been shunned…"

You know what they say about pretzels: "There are rold pretzels, and there are gold pretzels, but there aren't any Rold Gold pretzels." Because I ate them.

A buddy of mine's parents died on Delta 191 in Dallas. Don't know if was true but he said he was told his parents were the only two that died in the nearly-intact back section. His only comfort was, he said, that hopefully noone else would die because of stupid ignorance of the existence of windshear.

Wow. I didn't know Marc Maron still posted here.

I'm still hoping the next movie will feature Gaiman's version of Thor from Sandman.

For Jamaican readers: "Der will be a turd Tor movie."

This just in: Dallas really does suck.

That "so many things going wrong" quote makes me think of the Air Florida Flight 90 that crashed under severe icing into the Potomac after clipping the 14th Street bridge. The pilot knows there's something sriously wrong with his lift from the get-go. The CVR recording of that is maybe the most chilling as the pilot

If only there was a place where you could quickly look up quotes and stuff…

Wide Swing Tremelo is pretty fucking awesome too.

Whew. I thought Phil was talking about Academy Sports and Outdoors. I love that store.

So you've been in a Turkish prison I take it?

Q: What do virgin girls and Japanese kamikaze aircraft have in common?
A: Their cockpits will soon be full of bloody seamen.

My favorite thing about Bob Berger is his son Gene. That kid slays me. Louise is pretty damn funny too.

Yeah, I'm fine with flying. My fear is more of crashing.

A movie that crashes every five minutes?

Looks like you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

"I will sell no ass before it's time."

Q: What was the last thing to go through Christa McAuliff's mind?
A: The left wing.*

*Disclaimer: My father was an engineer at Morton Thiocol who helped design the solid rocket booster that destroyed the Challenger. He knew immediately what had gone wrong as the flaw - as was discovered in the crash investigation -

You can find the FAA mock-up animation of the view from the cockpit of PSA 182 cut with the CVR recording online. You see a brief flash of the Cessna coming out of nowhere (the pilots were told by the tower that it was out of the way) followed immediately by a big bump. The pilots - who didn't know the starboard