Hairy Cruise

I know the formula for writing a shitty book.

My hometown they have to deal drugs.

Little known fact: Inserting the word "poop" into any statement instantly makes it funny. For males.

Discuss lives in a trailer.

Clit Court is where all naughty clits eventually end up.

Well of course there is.

Right at the intersection with "Fingerbang Boulevard" I guess?

YOU BITCH! YOU BLEW IT UP! OH, DAMN YOU! GODDAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! (camera pans to reveal Jennifer McCarthy's half-destroyed vagina sticking out of the sand)

Fuck The Second Amendment?

Don Gately likes your response.

I guess that someone should point out the irony that Modell is the name of one of the most hated men in football history.

Like the Dodgers beat writer Ken Gurnick who only voted for Jack Morris because he refuses to vote for any player active during the "steroid era." Even though players have said that steroids were used openly as far back as the early 70s and Jack Morris played well into the modern steroid era (generally thought of as

It's not the running that doesn't work. It's the hitting after the running. Guys like Vick, Cunningham and RGIII have showed that a truly talented dual threat guy can decimate even NFL defenses. They just have such small windows before they break down. And once their wheels go, they turn into average-at-best pocket


"Sports is serious business. You can't have fun with it, like it's a game or something."
- Jay Pritchett

I tried not to read it, but it jumped into my eyes!!

My favorite Olympic preview:

Seeing your username makes me wanna go listen to Mahashitnu Orchestra's Birds of Shit.

Dude, he said he works in the District. Going a whole day with only two people threatening to kill/stab you means that lanyard's a damn Talisman of Protection.