Hairy Cruise

Ouch! Bay Area Beatdown!

I can't believe it. You'd think Phil Simms would have better shit to do than come here and downvote me.

Fumbletongue Neckbeard is Luck's real name. I shit you not.*

*this is not true

"Conventually" - when you both agree to get around to it sometime.

I love football because when my team wins I feel like my dick is bigger.

I thought Iggles fans shot other people when they lost. Like Santa Claus.

And down deep we believe - if for only a fraction of a second - that if we yell it loud enough our guys will hear us and get to the ball before the other team knows the ball's loose.

The Dodgers should be at the top of any such list.


"Not a Pete Carroll fan because he figured out the whole cheating thing AFTER he left the Jets."

Eli has possible the two luckiest Superbowl wins in history. Both depended on what are now regularly called "miracle" plays. First, he gets the most unbelievable catch in SB history to win his first ring. Then his second ring requires one of the most surehanded recievers of all time drop a ball right in his hands that

I get what you're saying, but those guys are pussies.

Another consistently great site (especially for the college football fan):

The only shit worth reading at MMQB is King's Monday MMQB column. He's no Doctor Z and he needs to drop all that "beernerdness" crap (and yes, Peter, we know you're on NBC for five minutes every Sunday) but it's still essential Monday reading.

Yaw Yaw Yaw It's Footbaw!

I think Modell should be forced to write a football column. Every day.



"Terrible pop culture/sports bullshit" = Deadspin

It was actually an interesting point in that Tim Tebow was the QB that Cam Newton couldn't beat out on The Greatest College Football Team On Earth (before he got involuntarily disenrolled from The Greatest University On Earth for cheating**.)