Hairy Cruise

Never could wrestle that beast down. I've since come to realize I just don't really care for DeLillo…

Throw me in there too. If you make it to the end of Catch 22 and don't see what the big deal is you might need to see a doctor as your brain might be broken.

Absolutely agree. One of my all-time favorite books. Simultaneously devastating, beautiful, bleak, sweet, bitter and hopeful. An amazing balancing act with some of the most graceful prose ever.

Le Carré is French for "The Carré"

"Tis true! That's why everbody who drove 70s-era Mazdas were called "Wankers."

You mean like Moment by Moment?

"This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!!"

Nora Ephron.
N. Ephron.
N ephron.

Yeah, one of the things I liked best was how amoral Vinnie was at the end of the day. The sociopathic life of the party. Gave the movie a pleasingly black heart.

The Wii U is worth buying today just for Super Mario 3D World and Lego City Undercover. The fact that it's $100 cheaper than the PS4 makes it a slam dunk.

It's many days later but I gotta call bullshit on this. This is the New Big Lie. The Great Recession was not the collapse of an overwrought, overcomplicated system run by men who thought they knew what they were doing but in the end, alas, did not.

Number two.

You know, downvoting every supportive, compassionate comment about dealing with depression could be seen as a brilliantly meta commentary…

Half woolly prehstoric elephant…half acerbic playwright…The Mammet!

Yep. I have to go with this one, too. It's pretty much the reason I to this day can't/won't go into ocean water deeper than my armpits.


I saw a werewolf walking with a chinese menu in his hand.

So true…dead dogs should only be exploited for noble reasons.

Hey, the Dirtbike Kid don't take no shit from nobody!
