Hairy Cruise

I would like to point out that Commentariat never won a single Triple Crown race.

Point of Information: Keith David is awesome.

The Orphan Masters of Black Sex would have swept the awards!

The A.V. Club
There's a Whole Lotta Failure Here

I like it when Teabaggers inadvertently name themselves after Cyndi Lauper songs…

Not because Carruth is fat?

Who would wash flotsam?

Listen, shitty taste is the one thing many of us excel in. Don't take that away from us.

Am I the only one who wonders - but is nonetheless delighted by - how conservatives got associated with the color that was for decades associated with communism?

Then you're gonna hate Weak Nuclear Force too.

dude this site is the definition of internet singularity. do you think we'd be here so much if we had girlfriends or wives (or at least wives who liked us)?

Hell yeah Stroker Ace kicked ass.

No…that was Faces.

Nonsense! Get Lucky was Loverboy's best album by far. It's the pride of every Canadian's CD collection.

It makes perfect sense. Lemme break it down for you (with regards to Pacific Rim):

The people who voted for most underrated are right.
The people who voted for most overrated are stupid.

I waited even longer. I was then able to hate it without seeing it.

I want to learn how to burn down a hill. This O'bama guy is way ahead of me. So far I have only succeeded in burning down the stuff on the hill.

Alack…confirmation that this site is overrun with mouth-breathers and philistines. Today I am overcome by what a lonely vocation true taste really is. Would that I could know the welcoming bosom of the lowest-common-denominator rabble the overwhelming majority of you enjoy…

Achorman jerked off its generation??

There you go. I know David Bowie was the inspiration for Lucifer, so it makes sense.