Hairy Cruise

I'm going to combine them to "I support black friends"

Absolutely well said. In NC you say "Asheville" to refer to the city and "Buncombe County" to refer to all else in the county. And they are very different. Get ten miles outside of Ashevill and you get into hardcore Appalachia real quick.

What is the flavor of bigotry? Mushrooms and old hamburger meat?

Well hell, I would be gay if it involved having sex with women.

You're coming at it the wrong way. As a free and democratic society we have a duty to protect every citizen's right to vote, not keep non-citizens from voting. Yes, we want to keep non citizens from voting, but not at the expense of making it unreasonably difficut for American citizens to vote.

Maybe because "Kindom Hall" is such an awesome Van Morrison song. But I doubt it…

Look away!!

In Florida our massive voting restrictions presaged those in NC (they're all based on model bills passed out at ALEC conferences). It was forced through as a way to "end massive voter fraud." Experts pointed out that Florida's problem has been with voting incompetence and that fraud has been virtually nonexistent. The

But it's more than that - it's flat out disenfranchisement. One of the Republicans' favorites is not letting you vote if your name is different on your licesne than on the voter roles. Now who do we know that this might happen to? Oh that's right…women! Who get married! And who vote overwhelmingly Democrat…

And by least-enfranchised, you mean poor. And who is it that the poor vote for? I'll give you a hint, it ain't the party of the Koch Brothers.

Certainly one of the most jovial genocidal monsters ever.

Then you should be an extra-big supporter of the government imposing necessary regulations. Like protecting an individual's right to vote.

It sure is working for the Tea Baggers.

Why, you're nothing but a gay duck apologist!

To sadly quote Randy Newman:

You kinda have to come to that conclusion when he says that they didn't even use the worst stuff. Yeesh.

Even in North Carolina it's often said that Bumcombe County is so far back in the hills that even the Presbyterians take up serpents.

Not to mention the Zeddicus Zorander principle: "As we imperial wizards go, I'm pretty harmless."

I am sure proud to be a North Carolinian…

I cut out the middle man and just peed on the mirror.