Hairy Cruise

I don't care what kind of monster I was, but kill is not what I would have done to Virginia Madsen. Her batshit brother on the other hand…

"Look Mommy the bombs are falling! WoooHooo!! This is so aweso

It wasn't just the existential dread, it also inspired crap like 99 Luftballons. Earnest Germans are so much worse than coldly efficient Germans.

Somebody get the tranquilizer gun, we lost another one…

Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation) just wrote a book called Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety where he points out that we came within an eyelash of Global Thermonuclear War dozens of unreported times (it was classified) but nuclear war is in many ways even more

What if it was a method acting cat who asked to be set on fire so he could find the "truth" of the monent?

Can't compare to any scene that shows Shelley Duvall's face. That shit always makes me scream like a little girl and run out of the room in tears.

Damn. You got me. I always laugh when I see the word "Hatian," regardless of context.

I can't stand the way Spike Jonze sings, but I love to hear him talk.

Yeah, I heard they took the Queen Mum's, too, after she kept pouring it on Camilla's head.

I thought that's how you practice blumkins.

We called it "what are you gonna tell your mom when your colon explodes?"

It means she's some kind of pink girl-eating girl.

"I just have a really hard time thinking that I could watch this and go all three hours without saying "ok…ok…okok…OK…OK!…OK!OK!!, I dunno, maybe a dozen times. And then falling asleep."

And by "Room in Rome" you mean the lesbian section over at Brazzers amirite?

* This comment technically inteneded to apply to Parisians, but is valid because Parisians believe Paris is France.

But they make up for it by being assholes.*

It's because no one in his (or her) right mind would want to fuck a French chick younger than 15 years and three months. Yeesh. So they adopted that as the age of consent to save face.

Beating around the bush was good enough for Bon Scott it's good enough for me.

Well there was The Sims: Monster Rain