Hairy Cruise

Top Songs That Aren't By The Bee Gees But Sound Exactly Like The Bee Gees:

Any list of Bee Gee's greatest songs must start with "Love You Inside and Out"

Gram Parsons would say fuck you both if he still had a mouth.

OK…but the open satin jacket/hairy chest combo never goes out of style in fashionable werewolf circles.

The Bee Gees vs. The Zombies is a horror movie I'd definitely go see. Especially if Edgar Wright directed.

*blank stare*

And Gram Parson's version of "To Love Somebody" with The Flying Burrito Brothers proves that it's a great great song.

Must've been Divine Intervention.

Robin's overbite is Freddie Mercury's overbite's little brother.

Hey now, I'm an elitist free jazz dick. My sensibilities are far more refined than you're giving me credit for.

OK…asses have animated weather.

Actually your comment is totally valid. Those are distinctions that would really only be apparent to afficionados of the post-punk/noise rock oeuvre. They're relatively meaningless to, say, country or hip hop fans.

Your balls are made out of pavement? I think I saw you on Discovery Health…


Aw hell, y'alls talking about a band. I thought y'alls talking about the George Strait song.

I thought we had all agreed that it's been long enough that we can admit that it wasn't so much that Pavement was really great, it was that you were really 14.


Sorry, but we're discussing the "Best Band," not "Best Chick Band".

You know what's funny? The guys from Pegboy probably brag about hanging out one time with that writer from The AV Club…

Hey @avclub-ca4fc44a59d0201cc7d4f760153cb00c:disqus you spelled Pylon wrong.