Hairy Cruise

Absolutely. The Bee Gees disco stuff rocks. "Love You Inside and Out" is one of the greatest songs ever ever ever.

Where's my spangled leather poncho?

Did any of you actually read the article?

God you are a bunch of pissy bastards this morning…

Dude. Asses don't have weather.

You wouldn't make fun of them if you knew how fucking hard it is to actually toad a wet sprocket.

C'mon, lay off Heller. He's a damn good music writer.

Just think how upset Ass of Bass is.

The Legend of Cora: The Bitch That Ruind Ike Godsey's Life

You left out the hooves and snouts!

I love watered down meadows!

You people are a bunch of key lime pie heathens I tells ya!

As a Florida resident @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus , I'm required to ask if you used real key limes. If you cannot document the authenticity of your limes you will have to change your post to read "imitation key lime pie."

@avclub-e38d7d01bb3addc2e58724fe04de73e8:disqus you just can't find good Goddamn Pie since the Goddamn blight of 1986 killed all the Goddamn trees.

To paraphrase The Ramones:

He'll soon be in the ground he so loved. I kinds think he's OK with that…

You really need to check out the "New York School" poets @avclub-51f4fd7b5ffd1b8e79c6f4e77522e096:disqus . John Ashbery, Frank O'Hara and Ken Koch in particular. All amazing poets. They used to hang out in the 50s with Jackson Pollock and Willem DeKooning and tried to bring abstract impressionism into poety (kind of

I used to go to a bar in Midtown Manhattan just because it was Heaney's favorite bar. Never saw him there, though.

Cherry Pie, I'd warrant. I mean, it looks good enuf to make a grown man cry.

Hold on, @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus does quoting Charles De Mar count?