Hairy Cruise

That movie should come with a bottle of Zoloft. And that's not counting the fact that it came out when nuclear war seemed very real, even inevitable. When I saw it in the theater at 17 I distinctly remember leaving the theater thinking there was no point to anything since it was all going to end soon anyway. Fun, fun

I thought your dad was Mike Reno?

I like her hair.

For those of us who were 17 in 1983 it's called nostalgia.

Yeah, tricks are something whores do for money. Or cocaine.

Please disregard that last post.

I serve none but Korrok

Yeaaahhh…looking back at that post, perhaps you're right. You know, this always happens when I post what the voices tell me to.

Bullshit! Bullshit bullshit bullshit!!

Count Floyd was better.

Meh. Give me:

Do not talk shit about Buffalo Bill (and the oh-so luscious, still-unknown Geena Davis). The "Hit the Road, Jack" dream sequence was fucking brilliant.

How would you remotely kid? "I'm laughing over there, but I'm over here?"

And, not surprisingly, IV was the best Blackadder.

Whiny-ass Tristan is not Doctor Who. Ever.

No, silly, it's The Mosquitos!

You know what was essential in 1983? Red Rockers' album Good as Gold.

I just knew that if you hit them with a stick, they go"hmonnnggg"

Didn't they also film that retarded Ghost Rider sequel there?

I woulda gotten Mahalia Jackson to come kick her ass.