Hairy Cruise

I was on BuddhistJeopardy! in 1993. I won total consciousness, but after the show they told me I wouldn't get it until I was on my deathbed. Left me feeling like the entire process was just an illusion.

Yeah, but I can understand her disappointment. After all, getting them to manipulate games of chance on TPIR is the whole reason she killed them.

I don't know people.

Like that episode of Oprah where she gave everbody in the audience a care and they're all like "OMG!! Oprah is sooooo awesome!" And then on the way out they got hit with $2,500 tax bills.

Shyeah. Right. Your sister told me your name isn't even really "ElDan." It's Eldon. And she said that cape's not real either. It's just a blanket you had your mom pin around your neck.

They hid the sausage.

So it's not the same as the ones at Dave and Busters?

Tell me about stoning those undergrads. I take it you went to school in ancient Judea?

Of course that assumes the disc is perfectly balanced and that the physical properties of every pin and slot are absolutely identical. Which I doubt they are. So the question for your model would be "off by how much?" If it's negligible then it would be accounted for in your error factor. But if not…

You don't think the Government would let game shows rig their games when they're so hardassed about holding Moody's and Standard & Poors' feet to the fire of honesty do you?

Or how about no love for NMAS? Luther and Cody gonna let Chewy loose on the AV Club offices.

Holy fuck yes. Bridge of Sighs is an all-time classic that deserves more love. "Too Rolling Stoned" rocks like a Time Lord.

The Meat Puppets don't really count since Curt thought there were 27 people in the band most of the time.

Cuz Jason never counted, did he you egotistical fuck?

Grand Funk sucks eternal ass.

For God's sake at least let a beautician drive…

NZ trios can't be mentioned without bringing up Crowded House (before Neil let Tim ruin the band). Maybe not a "power" trio, but they were powerfully good, especially on Temple of Low Men.

I thought that was the name of Richard Pryor's biography.

Fro jazz, Greg Osby's trio with Jason Moran was amazing. A quintet is a great size for a jazz band. Case in point: The Greyboy Allstars. Robert Walter, Karl Denson et.al. Amazing, amazing band live.

I'm sorry.