Hairy Cruise

Poopsie Druid. I have the perfect name for 1920s goth porn!

Is it safe?

Likes all day for anything off Tonight's the Night

Like for The Weakerthans. WoooHoo!

Next time my 18 year old daughter calls me I'm yelling "HGNGNGNHHBLBLAAHGHGHHH!!" at her.

If you were a fire usul, you'd know the answer to that wouldn't you?

omg, u jsut maid my herat beated!

Tastes like shit? I'm in!

I didn't know.

Condensed version: "yet to hear a song of their's that made me…shit."

So you're saying you actually like Dave Gruzin?

FYI:  Comments made by comment snobs are "snobbents."

I got to see Jason Moran in a trio with Greg Osby at the Vanguard once. I fucking love Jason Moran. Amazing show. I love the Eagles.

Not tryin' to bust your balls, but have you actually given James Taylor a real chance? I mean classic period JT (Sweet Baby James/In the Pocket/Gorilla)? Just becuase the guy had that smooth voice and perferred quieter, acoustic arrangements doesn't mean he didn't make intense, beautiful and powerful music.

Yeah the entirety of Hotel California is a halfway decent "concept album" on that same theme. And "Wasted Time" is a stone classic.

I see your problem. Eagles: Live sucks ass. And "Seven Bridges Road" sucks even more ass. That shit was only popular because they had already broken up and the record company (Elektra?) was humpin' the corpse.

@avclub-ba9fab001f67381e56e410575874d967:disqus , The Broadsword and the Beast is an underrated classic. Just had to say that.

Only a Fool Would Say That

We're talking about unchecked aggression here, @avclub-b97ca122d91f0a094bbf3f9808f4daf5:disqus .

Wave of the future @avclub-ba63c271b58093617b070d216a33f15c:disqus , wave of the future.