Hairy Cruise

I agree. And I'm dead serious about it.

He took a few years off to look down on one s Petersons.

You know even a blind pig finds an acorn every once in a while.

A man with a guitar made out of a picture of himself.

Try:  Bun's apprently decided he's gonna raise hell.

Hipster only lives in the 80s. That's why he's a hipster.

Lotta stiff competition out there.

Think John Mayer is more of a Hateartist category…

When all you got is a Kuhammer, everything looks like a Kumail.

Cheer up Lovecraft old boy, everybody hurts sometimes.

Don't try suicide
Just gonna hate it

Meh. Still prefer Hindu Love Gods singing "Raspberry Beret."

Sorry but I think the group you're describing is called "Fastball."

Not even fully sonic!!

Goddamit Marah! Did you forget to have Kumail run his selection by Buzz again? Now the poor guy's probably curled up on his bed in the fetal position rocking back and forth and mumbling incoherently thanks to you!

You must have loved Watergate.

Inventory idea: the best and worst prehumous albums.

Ryan Reynold's has played dead in every movie he's been in. You would've thought that would have worked in his favor here.

I thought they were going to cover Flop Ass Cunts in the next 90s punk column…

Post 90s crap got no Hydrox in it.