Hairy Cruise

D'Angelo's reviewing movies now? No wonder he hasn't had a new album in like fifteen years.

Then your phaser would more accurately by called a Bop Gun.

The big twist is that Kaiser Soze turns out to have a penis.

I'm Brian, and my wife's Brian.

A Bokononist!

A:  What Lies Beneath

This is a good thing, right? I mean, they used to dump them in the ocean.

Ooops. Change that to: "Turbo may have been the bad guy but any character voiced by Sarah Silverman is always really the bad guy in the end."

Really?? He was so good in The Wrestler

Turbo 2: Mom Gets the Salt

So Dreamworks put up advertisements for their animated features at the same time they begin work on the movie?

but a zebra on the other hand…one with a good donkey coaching him…

Snail racing was the case…

The trailer was absolutely incomprehensible. All I took away from it was that there was some form of racing in it. And the color blue.

Those morals aren't quite shopworn yet. Give it ten years and that will be the message of every kid movie.

The answer is in his name. Dowd spelled backwards is DWOD.

I'm confused. In Wreck-It Ralph, Turbo was the bad guy.

I thought that was a shitty workout program.

What's the difference between a baby and a race car?

Question:  Is Ken Jeong now contractually obligated to play every stereotypical Asian character in Hollywood cinema, even the women?