
I'm not really a conspiracy guy, but I'm starting to believe that the studios are propagating a farcical outrage factory on the internet for these kinds of remakes so they don't have to produce as many original scripts for female leads.

Agreed. Long, well-done fantasy sequences are what give this show the potential to stand out, as opposed to short daydream style ones you'd see in a show like scrubs. I like the intent behind stretching out the scene with Tanaka because it makes the viewer feel that it's more grounded in the reality of the universe

It's not a matter of a review being buyer's advice, it's that they are inherently assessments of a given work's quality as a whole; that's what a review is. Sure, they will focus chiefly on what aspects of a game stand out for better or for worse, but I have yet to read a review on this site that doesn't address how

OK, so the story's bad, not sure why it took more than two paragraphs to say that, but whatever. How are the visuals, mechanics, multiplayer, and gameplay?