
I don't like it when you US Americans talk about drinks I don't know. Qu'est-ce que c'est, le Sparks?

Rationalize the response all you want. The problem is that too many people are overblessed with opinions. Lib or con, too many folks just start screaming at you when you voice an opinion that doesn't jive with their precious, unconsidered world-view. The response is not about the photos, it's about her stance on gay

Ellipses are mine. Just realized, they're backward in time, from Feb this year to Dec last.

The link to the article is here, but they don't include the headlines:

Hey Lemminkainen! Quit bogarting the Sampo!

Cannibal Holocaust…I can certainly see Lohan as the guy who does nothing as his girlfriend is raped and eaten.

…and they were shouting "Chicle! Chicle!" which is Spanish for "pretty woman".

Bettman truly is a lying sack of crap. The Globe and Mail has a pretty bang-on cascading headline today where you trace Betty's statements about Coyotes solvency. It's like reading the Paris headlines as Napoleon advances on the city from Elba for the hundred days.


vegaskid6257— …because who waits until super Bowl Sunday to have their home theatre system installed?

"The 'Hawks have a pretty bad mental block when it comes to the 'Wings." — yeah, it's called being nowhere near as talented a team for about forty fuckin' years.

Hawks - Bruins is best, but -Pens will do. Teams like the Pens and Caps (sorry Caps fans about the game. a real disappointment for fans of the game, aside from Pens fans and their Bandwagon Version 2) are now officially Old School. Funny, for most of my life I have considered them "upstarts", even though they came

Here comes the double post…

Bucky — then what is your opinion of Blood Meridian, if you have one? Once again, I have read a synopsis. It sounds like a fucking bloodbath.

LLanley — I'm with you. What an ending. This fucked-up world keeps spinning, oblivious to all the creatures that writhe and stomp thereon.

My money's on Hipster as well. It was the first thing I thought of when Detective Beetle whips out the photo. And what a photo it was.

Bucky — isn't it funny, I was saying just two days ago to my girlfriend "I want to read The Road. It's by the guy responsible for NCFOM." I've never ready any McCarthyThe only drag is that I'm prompted to read it because I read the plot synopsis on wikipedia. What a stupid.

Hipster Cred — I'd have a lot more sympathy for your argument if you'd shut up.

Can't say I'm with any of you on Ladykillers. I thought that was really weak and that Hanks was just, not terrible, but just screwing around. A cartoon. I thought it was a really stupid and pointless movie.

Gavin — I don't think there's any "maybe" about it. That's a great moment; Goodman is awesome, and what a line reading. That peculiar thing that many of us do, which is to pretend that we're confronting someone and sound off at them. Most of us do it 'cos we would be too chicken to say any of it in real life, but with