il rivoluzionario incompetente


absolutely. solondz-level bleakness.

not HBO, but what about Mad Men? I always found those anachronistic breakbeats jarring in the same way as the BE intro music

nice girl = Gillian
leave the life = do her bidding
settle down = KIA

i think maybe he had the old-timey assburgers long before his little 'accident'

squirrels don't lay eggs!

philosophicially speaking, both as-yet-undisproved scientific hypotheses and descriptive/metaphoric narratives fall some way short of 'REALITY'. they're just two different ways of trying to approach it. and yep, if you're trying to design a new VLSI fabrication process then one is better than the other, but see my

nerdrage all you like. we're talking about Arvo Pärt on the one hand and They Might Be Giants on the other; there's nothing to debate


the same applies to music - a lot of people who should know better are stuck at the stage where they assume technical sloppiness/ordinariness = authenticity/soul. there's still plenty of stuff to listen to even if you set the bar a bit higher and demand interesting ideas *and* execution, but no, let's stick with the

wow. i hate your entire posting history and your stupid animu avatar but this is right on the money (or the first sentence anyway)

the similarities between the two shows are skin-deep at best. 'boardwalk empire' is something that's been done many times before, but rarely (if ever) so well, wheras 'breaking bad' is something new. plus i think the florid, gothic-opera melodramatics that 'boardwalk empire' deals in makes a lot of avclub-type people

Cardiacs > Pixies > Nirvana

i have a larry david-like urge to know if she actually jumped the line or not

that, the 'face of god' pixel and the new colour in the rainbow… nice symmetry

uh… has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? that's a meme right?

posting it anyway

that looks like some terrible fanart
torrenting it anyway