
oh, but I forgot They Live was inspired by his posters.

Hope? Nope. Shepard Farley's a talentless douchebeg.

slow talkin, border-line retarded Motherfucker. I think he's a minister now isn't he? I saw him on the Jesus channel a few years back.

I hope he gets murdered in this episode.



hahaa, that's what it was! I had that image of her orange face in my head but couldn't remember if that was just one of my tanning fantasies or not.

Are pubic areas no longer humorous? If you shave me am I not smooth?

Did you make sure to think of a part for SamueL. Jackson?

Seriously douched, Too bad Fred Savage never got back with the sex pistols.

Careful. Us hispanics will fire starter your ass.

oh yay

oh yay.

He'll fuckin trash your lights. then he'll fuckin take a shit on em.


Nope, Art major. Which also means I'm homeless. but we can still kick it if you can spare some change.


Pumper or Dumper?

the Humpty dance with Dj Liam in that picture, lol.