
Sony probably is an asseatery but I imagine it more as an ass haberdashery.

Everyone knows Sony is a big mess, that's how Marvel even got the chance to play with Spidey. It's the idea that Sony can lay even a finger on something that will canonically be a part of the MCU that scares me.

At this rate for Civil War they'll just have to cast a stand in with a green-screen ski-mask over his head that will be digitally replaced by whoever is chosen.

Unfortunately Fox still owns the rights to the Fantastic Tits.

I have every season (except the quick cash-in 20th box set) on DVD or Blu-Ray. Despite the earlier seasons getting the most play time and my owning more than what one might consider necessary Simpson viewing, the completionist in me is furious at this news.

Is this the first time anyone else is learning that Mortdecai was rated R? Who was this movie for?!?!

I spent an embarrassing amount of time finding every one of the first minifig set and am totally going to do it again. I absolutely love the Kwik E Mart set but I don't know that I can justify spending 200 dollars that could go toward food/rent/bills on a really really cool toy I will build and then occasionally look

RIP SF and LA print offices, you shall be missed.
I was in San Francisco recently to see a concert and then returned midnight of my birthday to see "The Room". Both times we were there my girlfriend and I made sure we somehow got around to picking up a print edition of The Onion. Sure I had already read most of the

Quite possibly my favorite recent episode:
Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind from Season 19. Despite the borrowed Eternal Sunshine, this episode stands up next to the best of those in the series.

I've only actually SEEN Jeff Dunham perform a few times but for some reason he's popular on Sirius' comedy station…despite being a ventriloquist. I never found him very funny…but then again I usually heard the jokes without the puppets.

Battlefield Earth
Battlefield Earth is still the worst movie I think I have ever seen and I've recently gotten into the habit of deliberately watching bad movies. Battlefield Earth however has no redeaming value. Many bad movies are so bad that they're good (Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" and the troll-less Troll 2 come to

my cell phone number is dangerously close to the HBO customer service hotline (if you don't dial 1 and live in my area code). Anyway, I have saved on my voicemail for years an angry message from a member of LDS begging me to cancel Big Love. She states in the message that she doesn't need a call back so I never

I saw an advance screening on Monday and then a midnight showing thursday (friday). I seem to recall some people getting up to go to the bathroom and smoke (many a people came back smelling like pot) but I don't think I saw huge groups of people leave and not come back. Granted everyone at the advanced screening