

A Desperate Message to Planet Earth
Please stop talking about this.

If you think about it, from Halloween until They Live, Carpenter was one of the most influential directors in America. James Cameron may not have had a career, and I say this with love, if he didn't decide to ripoff Halloween and sprinkle in some time travel elements.

Whole Lotta Love

Mystery White Boy got me into Big Star, and for that, I'm pretty grateful.

I'm sorry. This is only the second Hunger Games casting related story I've seen. I have no idea where I got off comparing a story about a government-run televised death match to The Running Man. I mean, even I'll admit that the comparison is base at best. I guess what I had hoped to accomplish here was finding out who

"Since Spinal Tap was never a real band to begin with…"

Is it just me
Or had anyone else never heard of The Hunger Games until the headlines started pretentiously reading "The Hunger Games casts/finds its ____" and then when you looked up what The Hunger Games was, it was just a thinly veiled, DARK AND GRITTY RE-IMAGINING of The Running Man and/or Battle Royale? I mean, I

@LloydBraun - "There is no off position on the genius switch"

The original Ninja Turtles movie is just so spectacularly made. It's unbelievable how well it holds up. I caught back up to it in high school after years of not seeing it (knowing how little of an attention span I had as a child, I doubt I had ever sat through it from beginning to end, but at least I had the coloring

I can remember the first time my mom took me inside a movie theater, obstinately to see a re-release of Peter Pan. I just remember being overcome more and more by dread the farther we walked into the dark hallway until finally I begged her to take me home. I saw Batman with both my parents and no issues at all a few

I have a version of this game where I refer to Maximum Overdrive as "the Academy Award winning Maximum Overdrive." It's fun.

If you watch a movie backwards, the things in the movie happen, but in reverse!

Croc was unfortunate enough to be born with the disease that makes you into a scaly crocodile person (the name slips my mind at the moment) and, ironically, he also fell into a vat of radioactive alligators (thus the irony).

Maybe the thug Batman took home and thawed out in Heart of Ice spilled the beans to his eventual cellmate and got the ball rolling.

I had to take to Google to refresh my memory as to what Minerva Mink was and, hoo boy, I should not have Googled it.

I was coming to make a topic like this because people need to see Chris Elliot: Television Miracle.

I wouldn't have clicked on this, but I was afraid Charlie Sheen was somehow suing me for some bizarre reason or another. Better safe than sorry.

The AV Club's coverage of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark has been the best journalism of the year, and I say that with absolutely no sarcasm. Sorry to hear it BUGS YA.

The Mean Neon Green Goblin, as I'm almost sure the show has renamed him, looks like he's reaching the high notes and singing "I must have the rent! Give me the rent! Dollars, dimes, and nickels, I need them all right now!"