
Magoo Magoo Magoo Magoo Magoo Magoo hahahaha am I right? Dork.

It also fits hilariously with Charlie's description of her as the most popular and prettiest girl in school, but it wasn't a META CALLBACK so whatever.

Thus proving she's a GOD DAMN BITCH.

And also that the word "callback" isn't in my vocabulary.

She's living proof that the Emmys are a joke.

I'm so glad I don't watch TV so that I can write paragraphs complaining about it.

I wish he had mentioned offhand that Charlie was probably his son who had survived the abortion he forced on his bangmaid, but that it didn't really get in the way of them being buddies.

We never really said "bro" or "bang" in my group of friends until Sunny. I love how uneasy it makes people who are unaware of the connection feel. I keep meaning to bust out "white stains."

I forget. Are they still going to try and do the Jackass episode next season or not?

Frank has clearly de-evolved since his debut. It's made for a very fun watch.

Dee's "god dammits" tonight were so much more extraordinary than usual. And they've always been extraordinary.

Your point about the gang imitating themselves struck a chord in my brain box and I fired off this thought: They're often so childish, especially Mac, that this reminded me of being a kid, being taken to see a movie with some other children my age, and spending the whole trip to and from the theater pretending to be

Fades indicate a passage of time. It demonstrated how torturous it would be for Frank to abduct your non-native tour group and regale you with endless stories of the gang's awfulness, things that they and only they would be proud of.

I think we can all agree that this has been possibly the most uneven season of reviews of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on record (har har).

Bro, you have got to be thundergunning jabronis by now

Yeah, I'm confused. Was this another call from the AV Club for every show on TV to become a serialized epic with continuity? Har har indeed.

In college, there was only one remote control in my apartment because Comcast existed merely to fuck people over a barrel like that. Anyhoo, one night I fell asleep with the remote in my room, and my roommate tried to retrieve it without disturbing me. I woke up, barely, and all I could mutter was "Mister…Mister

You can't watch a Warner Brothers movie without a Warner Brothers ball cap!

I used to think Blue Moon was good when I was like 19 years old.

The bloopers that were provided to us from the "bag of dirt" scene are as great as the episode.