I'm not sure if it's possible for St Anger to be ten times worse.
I'm not sure if it's possible for St Anger to be ten times worse.
Yeah I could take Dave the Asshole Rockstar but Born-Again Dave holds no interest at all for me. I don't think his heart has been into playing metal since like Youthinasia.
I'm really curious to see what happens with Tom Leykis's new internet broadcast. His audience isn't the size of, say, Howard Stern, but they are a rabid crew - the servers were completely overloaded for the first hour or so on launch day.
I thought the market for "wraps" was mainly white women on a diet.
Poor has it right. If I see that some classic band is playing at a fair or a casino or a bar I think "good for them, still making a living playing music for people."
As someone who loves old school VH, and also as someone who hasn't yet picked up the new album (I guess I should get on that), I'm OK with this. Diver Down is like 1/3 of an album.
edked: - the first paragraph was for the OP really. I personally like both those guys mentioned but there are plenty of guitarists that seem like douches to me who play Gibsons.
I just got the unfiltered joke too, when watching my mind went to a joint which has no filter (and ties into the Britta is a stoner thing) but that didn't make much sense.
A real musician plays a guitar for how it sounds, not how it looks or
who else plays that model. The Les Paul has been used by guitar players
of every genre because it is hands down the best sounding guitar
available. Telecasters are just as iconic but sound completely different
(and also great). Give me one of each…
I'm more annoyed when he is encouraging people; "Jeff the asshole" is constantly entertaining to me.
There's probably 2-3 seasons worth of the prison story in the comic, but they might tighten it up and do it in one. I think they are aware that at times this season was pretty slow and I expect the pace to pick up next year.
When I watch It's Always Sunny in syndication I'm always surprised to hear a bunch of bleeps.
Can't we complain about both? Just because of the abomination that is the Patriot Act doesn't mean we can't complain about every other stupid pointless thing the government does in the name of security.
Exactly. It prevents stuff from falling in there, it keeps that cloud of particulates contained (or at least I pretend it does), and keeps pets from drinking out of it.
I thought for sure he was kidding when he called Jonas "Jason" the other night, guess not.
"Ugh… Tarzan ass. OH GOD NO DON'T LEAN OVER!"
I used to listen to Rush early on and he really was entertaining. He lampooned liberals hypocrisy not too differently than John Stewart does. He can be a witty, funny guy, and made my day as a delivery driver go quicker. Sure he was always a bit of a jerk but so are many comedians.
It's also a matter of timing - the GOP has been (rightly) getting a rash of shit for their attacks on women's reproductive rights. Rush has said stuff like this for years but in this case it was the final straw. He is closely attached to the Republican party; everyone in the GOP is afraid to take him on. Thus these…
I can't recall ever calling anyone a cunt. I can't think of any word that is as insulting to guys as that word is for women.
For me the cartoon was Star Blazers, and the bus stop was 3 blocks away. I would watch for as long as I could and then run for it. Luckily (I guess) my hippie-ish parents had me in an alternative type school across town so I took the city bus and could just catch the next one 30 minutes later if I ran late.