
I enjoyed the ep, even though at one point I wanted a bus to hit both Owen (for his childish yelling at Nathan) and Amelia (just because). I really like Andrew & Maggie's relationship.

Also, is there something up with the AV club comments? My disqus profile has an avatar attached but when I post on this site, it isn't showing up as on other sites.

This ep was a series low ratings-wise.

It was silly but I enjoyed the ep. I think it's partially cause I've never read the books so I went in to the series with no expectations. *shrug* I do agree the party was a bit too boho chic but it's not the first fantasy show to go down that road.

I'm going to need Wil to man up about Eretria instead of being a whiny baby about it in order to get into Amberle's good graces. He should own that he's attracted to Eretria instead of being a punk about it.

I want to marry this comment it's so damn lovely and spot on.

One of my biggest issues of even trying to get behind Jane/Rafael as the main story is IMO how poorly the Jane/Michael breakup was handled and Jane acting like she wasn't in love with Michael for several years just a couple of months ago. There should be something of caring or love for him even if she's not in love

Also, I'm tired of watching Abbie play marriage counselor to Ichabod & Katrina while being marginalized so that their marriage woes & reconciliation attempts can have the spotlight. I didn't sign up for that crap. I signed up to watch The Witnesses battle evil together. I signed up to watch Abbie Mills kick butt

I really don't think you want to watch this one. I'm puzzled by the B+ grade. It was a very dull episode.

Yep. They're trying to solve what isn't the problem while remaining tone-deaf to the valid criticisms from fleeing fans and some well-known TV critics/bloggers.

This episode was awful. SO BORING. The #ShadyHollow tag on twitter and tumblr made the ep a little more bearable.

Matty's flaw with Jenna, IMO, was his unwillingness to DTR. He grew to really like/love her but was hung up on being single & carefree for sake of appearance. Been a while since I saw S1 but it didn't seem like he was interested in anyone else but Jenna, he just was really immature about being in a relationship in

Matty's flaw with Jenna, IMO, was his unwillingness to DTR. He grew to really like/love her but was hung up on being single & carefree for sake of appearance. Been a while since I saw S1 but it didn't seem like he was interested in anyone else but Jenna, he just was really immature about being in a relationship in

I think it's Val who is Jenna's anonymous online friend.

I think it's Val who is Jenna's anonymous online friend.