
Asami checks in all over the Earth Kingdom on the job. Bolin updates his relationship status and posts kissing photos with Opal. Mako takes douchy shirtless selfies on the beach. Korra continues to die a little on the inside but can't stop checking for updates.

It killed me how much her friends new ventures contributed to her isolation and depression. Original day Facebook-depression syndromes?

I don't think "simplistic" means what you think it means…

Nick's been written way off since season 1/2. He should be growing out of his older habits but still be Nick-random funny underneath. They're taking the backwards route and sort of turning him into a cliche of the first two seasons instead.

Was that during the third season? Because the third season was awful, I know I stopped watching three-four episodes in.

Yea, she's remarkably shallow in her dating history since the started. Which is comedy gold of course. Makes sense with her dorky pubescent years too - going for the guys with the looks she couldn't get then.

How is that thing even architecturally stable?

Kai is a weird character to me in general. It's really rare to see such a poorly conceived and executed character on this show, but he's one of the biggest misfires I've ever seen.

The final five nonsense ruined the entire 4th season for me.

The problem with FXX is it's shitty, confusing name. Like… wait aren't I watching FX already? Is it porn? Meh, Archer is on screw it.

I'll straight up admit it - I hate Soos. I think he brings down the show with his infantile humor. And I hate the big dumb man child trope in cartoons. I don't find him funny and hate when episodes have a lot of him. I gave this episode a fair shot, but hated it. Too bad because I love everything else about this show

I caught "PTSD" totally by accident one night and loved it. Came to read the reviews on site, and wondered how I missed this show. Got caught up and haven't looked back. Whoever did the original ads for this should be flogged.

If we get a second season I hope his geek emotional girlfriend appears. Could be a rich comedy gold vein.

Signed and concurred. What the hell is wrong with the reviewer? He's one of the most human characters in the entire show.

Trash juice was all the reward he needed.

Becca is definitely the worst. And Paul has to come back if there is a 2nd season.

Disposable cameras filled with pictures… of… of what? : 0

What I liked best was this episode wasn't just about trying - it was bravery. Stepping out into the cold uncertainty of the world because theres finally something worth risking that amount of hurt for. That goes for the leads, as well as Paul finally dump Lindsey and Edgar getting a job and attempting to get back into

Even better was how utterly and contemptuously he was being ignored during it.

Am I the only one that really liked Paul after this episode? He's a man-child as well in his own naive, sweet way. Too bad he's probably going to have his heart wedgied and stuffed in a locker next week.