
Well, as a kid, I can see where it would be kinda meh….but I think the whole lead-up with the review of Dan Tanna's life leading to a heart attack, into the funeral roast? I think at least on a conceptual level, it works pretty well.

Well, as a kid, I can see where it would be kinda meh….but I think the whole lead-up with the review of Dan Tanna's life leading to a heart attack, into the funeral roast? I think at least on a conceptual level, it works pretty well.

Pun intended?

Pun intended?

Also, look up the Teri Garr RR if you haven't read it. Totally great - she probably burned a few bridges with it, but it came across less as "I'm bitter" and more as "I don't give a fuck"

It's interesting, in that people who are upbeat and positive get the "geez, how boring" comments, but if someone was just a bitter, flamethrowing ball of hate, people would jump on that too.

One whole day and no one went with the obvious "PSYCH!" comment? Okay, I'll be that guy.

Well duh, it had AMBUSH BUG in it.

"Starring Alec Baldwin" is a big red warning sign….seeing Alec Baldwin further down in the credits means at least ONE thing in the movie/series will be good.

Sir Ben has quite a few of those. I know every movie can't be Gandhi, but could you at least shoot for Sneakers?

IMO SBC and Cole are the factors lifting Talladega Nights from "tolerable" to "enjoyable."

"ACE of spades, thassa good."

Monster Magnet's first demo tape was called "Fuck Life, I'm High on Dope" which I think might win the category, if we're allowing demo tapes.

John Milius is on his way to your house to PUNCH YOU IN THE FUCKING FACE for this.

(psst, if you really want to insult Green Arrow just tell him Hawkeye is way cooler)

Century ain't over yet.

I heard one story where that was why his parts dried up - he was a real-looking young man, and then the Brat Pack arrived, and everyone wanted their teenage/young 20s movie stars to look like, say, RDJ or Matt Dillon. Or Tom Cruise.

I'd say something about how slanderous that is to professional bike racers, but nah, that's about it.

Well, that explains Dennis Quaid's subsequent mental state.

ANYTHING ATR does probably is in the running for "craziest thing ever."