
Why would it make you sound like a philistine? Generally the Chemical Bros are high-tempo, high-energy  while still being addictingly listenable. That is what all workout music should strive to be. 

Juno Reactor is terrific. I can certainly second that sentiment.

Is that you, James Murphy?

Oh god I hate that video.

She's at best the 3rd hottest female regular on Mad Men.

You say that like they're not.

When she says "get more!" it gives me morning wood even if it's late afternoon.

Aren't the Basque people thought to essentially be descended from Cro-Magnons? (I have been told that it is wise not to bring this up in the company of a Basque)

I'd tune in for at least the pilot of a show featuring JK Simmons training young insurance adjusters at the University of State Farm.

So, Independence Day? 

I thought that was odd - "Gateway to the VU" - "um, just buy all 4 albums on eBay/Amazon for $30."

I was such a junkie for those - "hey, I'm going to spend 10 minutes poring over this entry on some Western character I couldn't care less about!"

So in other words, Prof Impossible on The Venture Bros is less a spoof of Reed Richards and more of a tribute.

@Snuggly Crow - actually, it looks like the guy from Mile High was bending over backwards to give the people a fair cut (to the point he says he was showing them the Overstreet prices, and offering to sell the books on consignment), but they just didn't realize and/or weren't interested.

How much do comic books cost? More than porn, less than heroin.

I liked the Korvac Saga better than the Kree-Skrull War.

What, that's a bad thing?

If you just WON'T buy her as a cop, there's nothing I can do. She was really, really good this season.