
That makes as much sense as anything else in the story. 

L'edOL is so unwieldy looking. Plus I'd be concerned Lucas would use it as a character name in the next SW thing he does. 

This one is all the more surprising, since Alan Moore isn't dead.

Ian McKellen seems cool with it…then again, he gets to be Gandalf AND Magneto.

Sounds kinda like a Dutch Rudder.

Lazy sounds more intriguing. Not that I am anti-leg by any stretch! 

Bag of Dicks - no, that's just Texas.

One of my favorite movies is Phantom of the Paradise, so I know of which you speak.

Ken only gets story when others in the office are trying to make him miserable.

…French CANADIAN, though. What have they ever won, aside from a few "Battles of the Mailbox"?

"Mad Men and a Baby"

To be fair, they're both pretty fucking weird.


When Stern was writing the Avengers in the late 70s-80s, it was good stuff with a pretty powerhouse lineup (Cap, Iron Man, and Thor were the anchors; Wonder Man, Beast, Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Wasp would've been the B-listers, but Vision and WM could go toe-to-toe with anybody, powers-wise)

ZOMG socialism etc etc

…but he felt REALLY REALLY BAD about it. Well, kinda bad about it.

Let's remember he was created in the early 60s. Ever watch how they treat the women on Mad Men?

Draper on LSD has "bad trip" written all over it.

I doubt Cross DID do it, but then again I wouldn't be shocked if it ended up that he had.

Teri Garr seemed to pretty much call it as she saw it. That was a great RR.