
Not a quote, but the part near the end of the party where Cole Hauser goes to stand up and realizes that isn't quite working for him and sits back down cracks me up every time.

It's pretty established that O'Banion is a dick - after busting one of Mitch's pals, Don gives the kid a beer and O'Banion gets all pissy about it.

I don't think Slater's "Ooookaayyy" translates into print.

I'm assuming Seamus spent this season drying out in some rehab facility.

I think Ray might be my favorite character. Competent agent and always willing to call bullshit on Archer, but doesn't get as wound up about it as Lana does.

I nominate Fionulla Flanigan from Youngblood.

Don't ask, DO - just write the damn script. Reed pretty much says so in the article.

Aw, c'mon - just a little? 

…because who decides to watch the next week based on previews anyway? "Wow, this Mad Men preview looks shitty, I'll just skip next week and tune in two weeks from now."

I like the cut of your jib.

Can they top last week's fisticuffs between Lane and Pete?

I believe that every day no one is killed at Comiskey is a special day.

My cup is fine, it's my DVR that's having issues.

Rebuttal - Susanna Hoffs.

My favorite story from the commentary is the shot they have of her without the makeup, to show how she's aging, etc and Dylan Kidd says "…the problem being, it's Isabella Rossellini, so she takes the makeup off and looks MORE beautiful."

I suggest an "Oxy" at the front of that.

If you really want timing, it should've been a Bad Brains article. ;)

I'm staring down the barrel of 40 right now, and this is pretty good advice.

In fact, the original name for Botany Bay was Coleslaw Bay.

I think my favorite was last season when he was in the middle of that Mexican standoff - "how do you get in a shootout when you're on vacation?" "I was only near the shootout" (yeah, not exact quotes, fuck off)