
On the upside, we will continue to get Regina King, who is not unappealing herself. 

I'd probably put the rating at a B. Last season was phenomenal all the way through, this season kinda foundered at times, but finished strong.

Well, to be fair, Ben is kind of a moron.

Best news I've heard all day.

…but Kinsey was an ENTERTAINING wanker. One of my favorite moments was when Lane's secretary told him he should probably shave his beard - "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?!?!"

"baitin' " or, y'know, "batin' "?

Where does that leave Pete? Started off a RAGING douchebag (and accused rapist), but he seems to be on track to become an actual decent human being.

Or, perhaps, they knew how they felt and wanted to discuss it with other interested parties.

Apparently the historical black woman had no idea how inappropriate it was for the situation, and she was not a good bellwether for Civil Rights.

How long had Dr Rapey been gone before Roger knocked Joan up? If it was a week or two, the timing might be close enough that Dr Rape, who wanted to conceive a child and has no reason to suspect Joan cheated, didn't think twice about it.

"What do we do with him?"

As my friend in the Navy says "at least we get to die with a full belly. And ice cream."

"I thought there were gonna be girls here?"

I also got the feeling that Don coming in late and yanking her out early bothers her - she really came across (to me, at least) as trying to fit in and work hard with the others only to be undermined by Don giving her most-favored-nation status, and Peggy's overly-deferential treatment.

"My name's Steve, I fix Volvos. Call me sometime."

Given Harry's rather neurotic nature, I am still unsure whether it was an earnest (if completely idiotic) question, or if he was taking the opportunity to fuck with Roger.

Harry had been my fallback of "well, at least Peggy and Harry are decent people…"

Sterling v Campbell looks to have great comedic (as well as dramatic) potential for the season.

Maybe not the funniest line, but to me the "what year do you think this is?" "Ha, right; exactly!" exchange kinda puts the whole show in a nutshell.

Archer could go full soap-opera and have him show up as "wee teen Seamus" next season.