
I'd be on board with that too - obviously last week was the set-up episode for this one, so it's probably in most cases going to be less compelling.

Pam may not be perfect, but I bet she's good breedin' stock.

…which was brought up in S2, I believe - "I thought he just meant I was fuel-efficient, he only had to buy me like 8 beers…"

If you are some sort of shill for Delta….good job, they should publicize this shit because every hentai-loving Archer freak would be flying that airline endlessly.

The problem with the crazy is you keep having to replace slashed tires and broken windshields on your car.

I think "Grace Under Krieger" flows a little better.

I so agree. That would be a great running gag.

…or more likely that is how you're going to ATTEMPT to get out of awkward situations.

He's good at killing people…he'd be a good, I dunno, Special Forces-type guy.

Landis from 1977-1988:

You forgot to mention the graphic violence.

Did you play the harmonica? If not, you were the Jake.

So fucking random.

I was talking about PRIOR to their encounter with the Hershel/Rick people - they would have had no idea about any survivors or supplies, so there would be no reason to go there, as opposed to some other farm.

Ha, you're right where I am in the Mad Men continuum. Ep 11 is possibly one of the best things I've ever seen on TV.

…and the Scots got those godawful bagpipes.

Ah, I remember that one. I assumed the zombie was near-decapitated and the spinal cord was what was keeping the head attached.

To be fair, Randall probably assumed there was nothing in particular of note at the farm. Though I don't know why his group says they want to find a place to hole up but are driving all over the country.

Well played, sir!

It was at times mildly amusing, but the Hershel line really cracked me up.