
Well, if they're in a fairly secure place, etc you may not want potentially a large % of your group to freak the fuck out over the news.

The Beatles, maybe - they WILL go deep into their catalog. But I think you could probably count on two hands and a foot the number of Stones songs you regularly hear.

What about Cheryl rubbing her face, half-smiling, and looking googly-eyed at Pam AFTER the slap? 

"Super Trouper" - and we're definitely on the same page here. Tight playlists have made people bored with The Beatles, the Stones, the Allmans, etc. It's ridiculous.

It counts as "other people", it does not count as "a lot"

I really, really like ABBA - but others have pointed out that the problem here is not that you're going to hear "at least one song by (artist X)" it's that artist X can have a decade or more of albums to draw from and you'll only hear 2 or 3 of their songs ever.

Best Skunk story I ever heard was he ran for Congress and when drug use came up he simply said "oh yeah, I did ALL that stuff."

Reading this thread, it seems pretty apparent that there isn't much of a consensus on PJ beyond "Ten and Vs are great"; personally, I think after that, they've been kinda scattershot, though every album has had its moments.

I think the song could be generalized to include anyone who is taking the "I AM A MARTYR!" stance.

What it comes down to is blaming Pearl Jam for the yarling masses that followed is like blaming Led Zeppelin/Van Halen for awful glam metal bands or Ice-T for lamebrained gangsta rappers.

…as The Walking Dead seems intent on proving.

Maybe the water was cold.

I think the general assessment of The Monkees can be paraphrased as "yeah, it was all plastic and prefab and corporate bullshit AND I WAS SO PISSED THAT I DIDN'T GET TO BE ONE"

Daydream cadaver.

I always say if we're ranking musician/actors strictly on the quality of the acting + the quality of the music, Yoakam is the modern equivalent to 2-time Oscar winner Frank Sinatra.

..so far as anyone would know, at least.

…and amazingly, there will be this many comments next week when Archer has no connection at all to Justified.

What, like get his confederate flag tattoo removed?

"The city is full of them…you knows"

Great minds think alike.