
Who was MoKF licensed from?

…or failing that, the company could just give him residuals because it would be morally right.

US 1 could arguably be the worst series of all time. I recall describing it to someone and qualifying it with "…if the plot sounds kinda stupid, that's because it really, really was."

I was rewatching the season 1 finale and they gave a hard number of 190+ days since the virus first showed up and 30+ days since everything completely collapsed (i.e. everything went off-line at the CDC; I'd assume civilian society was gone somewhat sooner). The first half of season 2 was really fuzzy - it's probably

He's generally free of ANY action. Or characterization. Or any sort of a factor in the plot.

I saw some non-Pan Am pics of her, and I have to say the 60s-era haircut does her NO favors.

You appear to be a person who'd LOVE American Horror Story - brilliant, terrible, batshit, ridiculous, NEVER BORING.

No kidding. I'd TOTALLY throw in the towel after this, but season finale appears to = series finale, so I'll watch it just to be a completist.

I think what gets people (or me, at least, if I count as "people") is the intriguing premise and atmosphere, and every once in a while they knock it out of the park and make you forget all the stupid decisions and stagnant character development. I doubt anyone can read reviews or discussions on it and come away

I can't "like" this one enough.

Tearinitup - Andrea's sister last season.

That would have been the SMART thing to do, since she just had a close encounter with a walker.

They mentioned other people in their group. Don't know how big that group is.

At the reservoir they at least strung up cans - which is all but worthless but still shows something resembling thought and effort.

I disagree. Rick was in the open, standing between the guy behind the bar and the fat dude. Glenn was behind the bar and well off to Rick's left. Fat dude behind Rick had moved for his gun earlier, and EVERY SHOT of Glenn just showed him holding his rifle against his chest.

Does anyone think Glenn not drawing down and getting Rick's back is going to have repercussions down the line? He looked VERY uncomfortable about how things went down at the end.

Yeah, I agree - fine, let some of the characters be all over the place but let's have some logical consistency in the world.

…or - not an issue in THIS particular case - one being not quite dead and getting a nip in.

The thing about previews (which my wife HAS TO watch) - um, am I going or not going to watch next week's TWD (or whatever) on the basis of the preview?

Best line in the show.