
Yeah, I find this news mildly disturbing - Lange was terrific last season but I'd rather see them strike off in a completely new good/terrible/batshit direction for S2.

On Salinger, I'd assume the 2nd part. I wish they'd have the incidental supporting cast pop up a little more often - LA isn't THAT big.

Well, which person? Cooper, Tang, Lydia, Ben, and Sammy all have different personalities.

She's in her mid 30s, she would have grown up with the Raiders playing in the LA Coliseum. Lots of LA people like the Raiders.

I kinda figure Coop is less of a pill this season because he isn't hooked on painkillers and in constant pain due to his back being all f'ed up.

Everyone is imitating David Allen Coe.

You guys are all forgetting Gillian Welch (who's technically "bluegrass" but that falls under the country umbrella, as far as I'm concerned).

Fishing is just an excuse for doing nothing and drinking while in a boat.

I always think of that article - "..but how did they KNOW?!!?"

I was thinking more along the lines of they tell Mallory they couldn't find him and keep the full million each.

What made the 8 nickels line great was the punchline….she seems to pause to consider how many nickels she WOULD have, and sounds absolutely thrilled that it's a total of eight.

How is it no one else has commented on the bit where El Contador offers them $1 million each to forget they ever found him, and Archer whispers to Lana "great, we can give the million to Mother and split the rest"? Do we take his idiocy for granted?

"I was just making fun of this giant negress and her sissy sidekick!"

The gag may be that Krieger actually has the ability to literally scour the earth.

I loved the bit with Krieger slipping the lab rat into his pocket when he first shows up.

I like Southland, but I agree with the review - this episode just seemed really disjointed. The occurrences happened just randomly and I sometimes lost track of who was doing what, and why. I'm sure that it's probably more like an actual cop's day than how everything ties together in some arc, but if I wanted to see

It doesn't seem that anyone on the force is aware, or even suspects, that Coop is gay.

It may have a little more to do with "canon" than "cult" in some cases.

In college, we used the term "O'Banion Angry" for when you were at the point where you could not possibly get any more pissed off than you currently were.

One of my "to-do" list things is to re-watch S3 of SoA in a binge to see if shotgunning the intertia-less narrative makes it more palatable. Because as a week-to-week season, you had what seemed like a month straight at times of "oh, hey, no forward motion AGAIN."