
I shouldn't bitch about the Rave, I suppose, because I live in Neenah now….I'd take any show in a shitty venue these days.

The Rave…ugh. Overpriced drinks, shitty sound, and EVERY BAND THAT COMES THROUGH TOWN PLAYS THERE.

I don't mean to flog a dead horse here, if this has already been discussed….but Margot Robbie is a horrible, horrible actress.

I was talking to a friend about this, and the thing about these "culture drops" - Collette's Beatles tickets, the whole Warhol thing - is they generally just feel so cheap and unearned. They really are distracting, and smack of the show trying too hard for relevance.

The Ted and Laura subplots were both real derailers. I thought the other stuff was OK, and Kate's subplot this episode was terrific.

"My Oh My" did pretty good. Though I suppose that's a song where it would be REALLY tough to fuck up the spelling.

See, it's those swarthy Germans that fool you…you're thinking "German, oh yeah, blonde hair, blue eyes, master race, etc etc" and suddenly this guido-looking guy named "Hans Machthupfer" shows up.

…of course, then I'd just sign up again. I don't think their record-keeping (pun semi-intended) was particularly stringent.

I got kicked out of Columbia House for CONSTANTLY returning my selections of the month.

That kid was gettin' it SO BAD from his Mama that even COOPER sympathized with him.

He was a detective Sgt. I'd assume he'll show up as plots call for it. 

I remember Rik mentioning the Anarchist's Society meeting and thinking it was one of the best gags ever.

If it proves lucrative enough, I'm sure a more comprehensive tour could be worked out.

I have to admit, I like the Minutemen a LOT in theory, but prefer fIREHOSE in practice.

Run, Runaway is arguably better than any original that QR ever wrote.

I agree in that Live does NOT = REM; but Live DID crest on the early 90s "alterna" wave. I think they benefited from the theory, just not as an REM analogue.

"Eat Me Alive"? Though to be fair, most sex songs can work for any gender combo….as a raging hetero, it is a bit amusing when you figure that most people were unaware that Halford was singing about a DUDE.

"So what's going on with this band the Kings Crimson?" (which actually sounds fucking cooler than the real band name, in this case)

They DID hit at the same time, aside from Iron Maiden being on the radar about 4 yrs earlier.

G-money - Accept were not an AC/DC ripoff. AC/DC were MUCH more blues-based than Accept. I don't hear AC/DC in "Balls to the Wall" at all.