
Any woman, or did it have something to do with Connie Britton playing the cello?

The ONLY person who seemed to be on the ball to the cheesiness was Lange, and she never winked, she just chewed up the scenery. Kinda reminded me of how Anthony Hopkins injected life into Bram Stoker's Dracula.

That would be Quinto's job.

I majored in psych, and research shows that talking to a shrink DOES help in some situations; of course, the research showed that talking to ANYONE helps as much as talking to a shrink.

C? You grade it a C? Bullshit - I think this ending was either A+ or F.

"Europeans Hispanics are so much more…" something or other.

I think it also got a big boost a few years back from being used in the climactic scene of the well-regarded Love Actually.

That's a great post - I've been discussing Simon Reynold's Retromania with a friend, and one of the tangents is the demise of monoculture….was MTV maybe the last monocultural domino to fall?

What's really crushing is they started MTV2 to be like MTV used to be….now it's just another outlet for crap reality tv. The last bastion is VH1.

"Croatoan" is a pretty good short story, you should give it a read.

Watching the show "pretty high" seems like it may be the most sensible course of action.

Thinking about this - maybe it's a little less of a blow because you have proof of the self continuing after death.

"Would Mumford and Sons have knocked Debbie Gibson off the charts 10 years ago?" No Jeremy, because she stopped charting over 20 years ago.

I hope I'm not the only small town white(-ish) boy who got truly turned onto Clinton by PCU.

"But Mersh, you hate punk!"

Oh, good lord yes. I think everyone is just repeating each other as to how awesome this cartoon is, but it may not be possible to overstate just how PERFECTLY everything comes together.

You say this as though it's unusual.

9 out of 10 fratboys say "whooo!" to this.

I don't know that anyone cares enough about Quiet Riot these days to take the time to ridicule them. 

I agree - Sons is utterly ridiculous; but generally, the cast is good enough at what they do to pull off whatever stupid plot Sutter dreams up for them.