
Unfortunately, that is pretty much how it works on the show. 

I LOVED his old Superfriends site. Always good for a chuckle on re-visit.

That was my comment the first time I saw South Park - "yeah, and the kids are little 10 year old bastards….just like pretty much every 10 yr old."

My favorite part of that is how everyone IMMEDIATELY gets into it.

Oh, well if Wikipedia says so, it must be true.

I don't think Alice is "born again" - he's ALWAYS been a Christian. Perhaps not the most devout one…..

"Vega$", please.

I find it interesting as well - I have a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old, and I'm torn in that "WHY do I need to fill their heads with this bullshit? Santa Claus, in and of himself, only tangentially relates to the Jesus story we're supposedly celebrating"…but there is ENORMOUS societal pressure to maintain this illusion for

I don't want to burst any bubbles here, but someone once told me that pro wrestling may not be 100% on the up-and-up.

It may be a plausible denial thing - i.e. Reagan's "I don't recall" and Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman" - CIA in front of Congress - "We never directly supplied the cartel with weapons."

Not that great - clobbering someone with an acoustic is going to have two results - a pissed-off person and a broken guitar. Still, if you're in a brawl, it'll cause the other person to flinch, which is an advantage.

I'm no expert on prison, but I find it hard to believe that they would let you have a guitar.

That's what Sutter says about Ireland and I don't believe that either.

We don't have Piney's salty old self around for our entertainment and amusement.

That is up to the peds.

Otto gets screwed once again.

The pedophile doll is not a real thing.

If only there were some sort of device one could set that would automatically record shows for you.

It's like in movies - the penis is the new breasts.