
There's a small chain called Ed Debevic's that does that sort of thing.

I think it might depend on what you consider a documentary - no "Behind the Music" but what about "Classic Albums"? Does Iron Maiden's "Flight 666" count, as it is about 50/50 documentary/concert? How about the director's cut of Live at Pompeii, which has a good chunk of interview/recording footage?

There's a Richard Thompson doc? Quick, off to Netflix!

My favorite comment about Tap was from Dokken's George Lynch - "the longer I'm in this business, the less funny that movie is." Spoken like a man who's been 2nd-billed to a puppet show.

Nah, my statement was meant to indicate that I have watched over a dozen docs. I have no music fan cred, since I have 2 kids and little free time, so I'm ridiculously out of the loop these days - Arcade Fire is a "new" band to me.

Some credit them with giving the early template for Krautrock, as well. VU comparison is apt, because I think that not many people heard them, but it really had an impact on those that did.

Hmmm, I've probably seen at least a dozen. A list would be boring, so just take my word for it.

Seconded - yeah, that was terrific. My respect for Johnny Ramone went up after that, because he seemed pretty willing to let the warts show.

The Monks are right there with The Bad Brains as a "wait, WHAT?" band…."yeah, so these GIs dress like monks and make this utterly radical music in Germany before the Beatles even released Revolver." "Wait, what?"

I'm with nosnakes regarding the Minutemen - I like the ideas and ethos of the band much more than I like their actual music.

A "classic rap" station is SUCH a good idea.

Well, thinking about this….is there anyone making that loud, aggro rock music with catchy hooks these days? Nirvana may be remaining culturally current because there isn't a satisfying contemporary alternative to what it is that they do.

The thing about opposing dinosaurs….wait long enough and you'll be a fossil fuel too.

One must always give props to a Godspeed You Black Emperor! reference. 

They obviously love America more than we do. 

Is it time to suck the cock of the Firegod?

My wife hates that movie - probably because she realizes but doesn't want to admit to herself that I possess more than a few of Rob's less-admirable traits.

Ha, "Sold Out Gold" and "Sold Out Bronze" - I remember that. 

Pep Streebeck approves of this post. 

That's a great movie - loved it, and I totally hate soccer.